Elegant Rose - Working In Background Rifafarhanamuflih: Grammar Exercise - Adverbs

Senin, 25 November 2013

Grammar Exercise - Adverbs

Grammar Exercise - Adverbs

Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill in the blanks with the corresponding adverb.

  1. James is careful. He drives .
  2. The girl is slow. She walks .
  3. Her English is perfect. She speaks English .
  4. Our teacher is angry. She shouts .
  5. My neighbor is a loud speaker. He speaks .
  6. He is a bad writer . He writes .
  7. Jane is a nice guitar player. He plays the guitar .
  8. He is a good painter . He paints .
  9. She is a quiet girl. She does her job .
  10. This exercise is easy. You can do it .

The answers

  1. James is careful. He drives carefully true.
  2. The girl is slow. She walks slowlytrue.
  3. Her English is perfect. She speaks English perfectlytrue.
  4. Our teacher is angry. She shouts angrilytrue .
  5. My neighbor is a loud speaker. He speaks loudlytrue.
  6. He is a bad writer . He writes badlytrue.
  7. Jane is a nice guitar player. He plays the guitar nicelytrue.
  8. He is a good painter . He paints welltrue.
  9. She is a quiet girl. She does her job quietlytrue.
  10. This exercise is easy. You can do it easily

    The sources :

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